Dear friends,
As Lisa and I returned home from the recent gathering of General Assembly, we had a grateful heart of celebration. So much has grown since we became EPC World Outreach missionaries in 2012. Our role has been in the area of mobilization and the EPC has seen a steady, consistent number of new missionaries being mobilized through these years. And this is true again this year as we saw at this General Assembly at Ward Church in June! We were able to introduce and commission the newest EPC World Outreach global workers.
This General Assembly also gave its approval of World Outreach’s newest master plan. This new document will guide us these next few years in growing more depth, width and purpose in our efforts of the EPC global movement of missions.
We are also celebrating how the mobilization team has grown from more than just Lisa and I, to a competent team of US based global workers. Along with mobilizing new long-term field workers, our team has been able to develop practical, concrete ways to assist Presbyteries and local EPC Churches in engaging locally with those unreached people groups that are moving into communities all around the US. During this General Assembly, we introduced 10 unique ways World Outreach can come along side local EPC church members to help them get more engaged with missions and outreach. Four of these opportunities are coming soon, and we need your help!
Could you forward and share the following with your church members, your college students, any folks who are connecting in anyway with refugees, and with people who sense a call to missions but don’t know where to begin?
Grace and peace,
Shawn Stewart, EPC WO Mobilization Coordinator
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