God’s Faithfulness in the Planting and Watering | the Reach Nov 2022

Dear friends,

EPC WO global workers, S and C*, work with teammates that minister through a Christian bookstore in an area that is typical of traditional South Asia. People often come in to look at the books, talk, and discuss faith. S serves with these teammates by working in the bookshop a couple days a week. 

Seven years ago, a man, Sanjay*, came into the bookshop and threatened to blow it up because it was Christian. One of S and C’s teammates, Amal*, was there and, after this occasion, watched everyday for him to return. The next time Amal saw Sanjay outside near the shop, he invited him in for tea. Amal told Sanjay that even if he were to follow through with his threat, Amal was not afraid to die because he believed in Jesus. Rather, Amal was afraid for Sanjay’s soul, should he kill people. Over many years the bookstore remained, and their conversations continued. Amal would invite Sanjay for tea and share about the gospel.

A year ago, as the world was emerging from COVID, Sanjay returned to the bookshop. S was working and struck up a conversation with him. Sanjay was fascinated with America and enjoyed conversing and asking questions. He shared with S that he no longer believed in Islam and was searching for truth. S invited Sanjay to start reading the Bible with him – and Sanjay agreed! Recently, Sanjay came into the store and said he believed and would like to be called a Christian. 

We see here how God uses each of us; how some are doing the watering where others have put in the hard work of preparing the field and planting. Many of S and C’s interactions are made possible because of the years of investment in relationship within the community. For these global workers, it is humbling to be a part of this ministry and to be used by God alongside other believers. God is faithful in the planting and the watering. 

*Names removed or changed for security purposes.

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If S and C’s story resonated with you, we encourage you to prayerfully consider supporting them financially in this kingdom work. To do so, please click here. To receive their prayer updates, please email the WO Office.

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A Step Of Yes | The Reach October 2022

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your PARTNERSHIP in the GOSPEL from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. 
Philippians 1:3-6

Dear friends,

One of my favorite poems over the past few years has been the well-known one by Robert Frost – The Road Not Taken. In it, Frost speaks about two roads diverging in a yellow wood and being regretful that he could not travel both. In some ways, my family and I have been standing at that proverbial fork in the road the last couple of months, longing to travel down both roads and questioning God about what our next path will be. Unlike Frost, perhaps, we have comfort knowing that God guides us down each road we take as we seek Him and follow His will. He is both sovereign and He is good.
It is with a mixture of joy and sadness that we bring the news that my family will be transitioning out of World Outreach at the end of this month. We are joy-filled because it is the LORD who calls us elsewhere, and we trust in His goodness and sovereignty.  But we are sad to come to the close of this rich season of partnership in the gospel.  This has not been an easy decision for us but one we have toiled over in hours of prayer and in concert with community.  With the LORD’s leading, we have decided to accept our local church’s call to enter pastoral ministry with opportunities to expand our local congregation’s global vision for the nations.
These past years working with World Outreach and getting to know so many of you has blessed and shaped me in many positive ways. We are a denomination that is full of gracious and obedient living in sincere partnership to each other. You all have taught me what it means “to count others more significant than yourselves,” in the ways you support and pray for our sent-ones of Gospel proclamation. Through my work with EPCWO, my vision for what it means to have a sharp focus on those with least access to the Gospel has increased. This will be a leading guide as I move on with a grateful heart for the honor its been serving the EPC in this role.

As our paths diverge for a season now, I am confident that our sovereign LORD will continue to use us all for His glory and even bring our paths together again for the sake of the Nations. I find it fitting in my spirit that a great saint, who passed onto the other side of the veil recently, left us this charge when we are standing, perhaps, at a fork in the road:

Let us all continue to take those steps of “yes” to further God’s Kingdom and see all peoples worshipping and following Jesus!

Grace, peace, and much love.

Jason Dunn
EPC World Outreach Associate Director

If I’m called to step into this role, what will be my greatest asset?
I asked this question 18 months ago during my final interview with the search committee before joining EPC World Outreach. A two-word answer came back to me, “Jason Dunn.” That answer has been validated repeatedly since my first day on the job. To work alongside like-minded, passionate people aligned with the greatest cause in the history of mankind, the fulfillment of the Great Commission, is all I’ve ever wanted to do since my freshman year in college. The Lord has been gracious to allow me to work with great, godly, talented men and women over the years and while I expected that to be true here in World Outreach, I didn’t have to wait a single minute to experience it through Jason. I thank the Lord for the time we’ve had to strive side-by-side for the faith of the gospel. As you read his announcement to follow God’s call to serve elsewhere you might experience the same mix of emotions that I had, sadness to part ways, but excitement for the opportunities God has in store for them. The contribution he has made, the investment in kingdom work and into the lives of all of us at WO and the EPC brings glory to His name and will bear fruit for years to come and into eternity. To God and to Jason I only have two words, Thank You!
Gabriel de Guia
EPC World Outreach Executive Director

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Annual Report

Learn more about what we’ve been up to by reading our Annual Report for 2021!

Master Plan

Read our new master plan, approved at the 2022 General Assembly. 

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