ENGAGE is a week long candidacy training program for all World Outreach applicants interested in going on the field. This week together allows each applicant an opportunity to learn more about our core values and mission and fellowship with other applicants and our WO community. There will also be a time of individual assessment and, for those offered appointment, basic overview of support development training with our church family.


Registration Details
This event has a registration fee for all applicants. As an ENGAGE participant, you will register for the event by selecting the “Register” button below and you will have two options to choose from – 1) Registration (Paying in Full) or 2) Registration (Sponsored Delayed Payment). Please refer to the descriptions therein.

The other option below, “Fee”, is for those of your support network (friends, family, churches, or a Presbytery) that might be willing to support your calling and help cover some portion of the required event registration cost.  

Below is a breakdown of the registration fee and expenses covered by World Outreach:

Costs covered by applicant (refer to note below on partnerships):

  • Individual – $600
  • Couple – $1200

Costs covered by World Outreach (including children):

  • Travel
  • Meals
  • Lodging
  • Taxi/ On-Demand Transport Services

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