Fund ID: 607
N is going to Budapest, Hungary in September 2024 as a World Outreach intern to begin exploring how to equip and empower global workers to care for their whole selves, specifically in the physical sense. In other words, how do we equip and empower missionaries to be good stewards of Creation by caring for their bodies? As a recent graduate from a kinesiology program, N is explorning this question as the body has been her focus. As holistic beings, each aspect of our health (physical, mental, spiritual, etc.) is interconnected, which means we need to care for all of them. Secondly, lifestyle habits are proven to have tremendous impacts on longevity, function, quality of life and risk for chronic illnesses like diabetes. Exploring how we can prevent and/or reduce the burdens from health issues for our missionaries is a way we can extend the love of Christ and support them in their physical ability to be obedient to Him.
You can support her ministry using the donation form below, or you can utilize text-to-give on your smart device by texting “wogwno” to 386-845-3121.
We recently upgraded our online giving system. If this is your first donation on our new system, you will need to enter your financial information. This is necessary because the EPC does not hold any of your credit card or bank numbers. Your data is encrypted and secure, and EPC World Outreach will not have access to any of your financial information—only the amount of your donation and the fund to which you are giving.
World Outreach is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and your support contributions are tax-deductible. We retain full control over the administration of donated funds and make every attempt to honor giving preferences. In rare cases when that’s not possible, gifts are used for a purpose that reflects donor intent as closely as possible.