EPC World Outreach serves the Church by empowering Spirit-filled witnesses to make disciples and plant reproducing churches among those with least access to the gospel.
For the Glory of God, seeing all peoples worshipping and following Jesus.
For the earth will be filled
With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD
As the waters cover the sea.
Habakkuk 2:14
For God, so loved the world, that he gave his
only Song, that whoever believes in him should
not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Three billion people woke up today in spiritual darkness, blind to the glory and love of Jesus, cut off from worshipping the one true God. Only 3% of all Christian workers, and only 1% of missions dollars, are going to these unreached peoples*. The EPC’s mission is “to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus,” and World Outreach serves that mission by focusing on those with least access. Christ followers proclaiming the gospel together in authentic relationships give lost individuals and families the opportunity to encounter Jesus and eternal life. The planting of reproducing churches glorifies Christ for whole communities and cities for generations. We look with yearning hearts toward the day where we see representatives of every tongue, tribe and nation following Jesus and worshipping before God’s throne.
*Johnson, Todd M. and Gina A. Zurlo. World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition, Brill 2019, pp.296-297.

To love God with all our hear, soul, mind, and strength; and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Matthew 22:37-40

To communicate and receive the Good News of the Kingdom
Matthew 28: 18-20

To count the cost and be faithful to the end.
Luke 9:23

To depend on the Lord at every stage of the work. Reflects our humility & obedience and aligns our heart with his, abiding in him which precedes the fruit to come.
John 15:5

To take on the role God has for us in relationship with others called to the same mission, whatever their nationality or church membership.
1 Corinthians 3:6

To preach the gospel of Christ to those with least access to it.
Romans 15:20

As the missions arm of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, we are also committed to the constitutional documents of our denomination, which are the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, the EPC Book of Order, and “Essentials of Our Faith.”
Strategic Priorities
PRAYER | We join in God’s mission of reconciling the world to himself first and foremost by prayer.
LEAST ACCESS PEOPLES | We prioritize those with least access to the gospel. This is our heart and our guide.
PARTNERSHIP & SENDING | We cultivate active partnerships with national churches and other agencies, embracing the current reality of missions – “from everywhere to everywhere.” And we directly send EPC workers and teams to partner with others in making disciples among least-reached peoples.
WORD & DEED | We believe the Church, whether established or in its new beginnings, should be about the whole work of bringing the Kingdom of God to earth as it is in heaven. The gospel must be proclaimed by our words, but also demonstrated by our actions. Church planting is not separate from a corporate lifestyle of love, mercy, and justice for the flourishing of communities.
CHURCH ENGAGEMENT | We want to see 100% engagement by our EPC Churches in the Great Commission for all nations. We long to discover new pathways for this engagement while maintaining our focus on the least reached.

Process & Program
For World Outreach, Full-Cycle Church Planting is the process model we use to illustrate the way our programs, sending opportunities, and partnerships tie together in the mission of planting reproducing churches among those with least access to the gospel. Some within the process model are engaged in direct church planting, while others are involved in the mobilizing, training up, and caring for those we send and partner with – each according to the unique giftings and callings God has given them. Regardless of the process, aligned with the EPC’s mission we endeavor toward this calling.
God gives the growth. For His glory.