Business as Mission is both an old and new approach to reaching people for Christ. It is as old as the first century, when the Apostle Paul supported himself with his tentmaking business as he planted churches. It is new because it offers the church’s best opportunity for access to parts of the world that are hostile to traditional missionaries.
IBAM is assisting workers implement viable businesses and viable church planting plans. By building a profitable and sustainable business, relationships are formed that provide opportunities to share the gospel. When believers result from these relationships, local and sustainable church plants are the desired outcome.
World Outreach is building an infrastructure and support system for these global workers involved in for-profit enterprises. Running a business is often very challenging in areas of the world unreached by the gospel, and these workers require many types of support. World Outreach’s IBAM emphasis seeks to meet these needs by:
- Networking with existing organizations that have a successful track record of helping IBAM businesses.
- Developing an EPC coaching and consulting network of business experts to help with business plans, financial analysis, and periodic site visits.
- Raising capital for EPC global workers and the businesses they operate.
- World Outreach also provides ongoing church planting expertise and member care to support our individuals and families who have committed to start businesses and churches among the unreached.

How To Get Involved
You can get involved in World Outreach’s IBAM ministries in a number of ways:
- Pray—We covet your prayers for God’s IBAM initiatives around the world.
- Give—Your financial support is critical for the global workers and the IBAM businesses they operate.
- Train—Consider being a coach or consultant to our global workers. Do you have a friend with business acumen? We provide training so you can partner with World Outreach IBAM businesses.
- Go—Are you an entrepreneur with a passion for leading people to Christ? Consider being an IBAM global worker!
For more information or to schedule a World Outreach IBAM presentation at your church or office contact World Outreach.