About ITEN

International Theological Education Network (ITEN) focuses on theological education and leadership training for nationals. Simply put, the purpose of ITEN is to develop teachers among unreached peoples who will develop teachers among other unreached peoples. ITEN works in tandem with World Outreach church-planting efforts among unreached people groups, particularly Muslims.


International Theological Education Network (ITEN) is about partnering with a purpose — the purpose of deep discipleship.

In today’s world, we are seeing the body of Christ grow in unprecedented ways. ITEN participates in God’s work by partnering with nationals who are eager to have theological training to serve and train their own people and start new communities of Jesus-followers.

Think of ITEN as a response to the question the Ethiopian asked Phillip: “How can I understand unless someone guides me?” (Acts 8:31)

Many of the people we work with are first-generation believers who are seeking to know God as deeply as they can. They live in areas and among people where Jesus is either unknown or misunderstood. ITEN comes alongside them as a guide, helping them understand the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus so they can teach, train, and send on their own. They end up going where we cannot. 

We discover that God was there before us working to change hearts and lives and it’s a privilege to step into that good work. It may sound trite, but it’s also true that “we receive more than we give.”

Theology, rightly understood, is at the heart of personal transformation and discipleship. It is the faith Jesus taught his disciples who, in turn, taught the church — Jesus’ body. Head, heart, and hands are all involved. Every area of life can be, must be, transformed by the good news of Jesus. The ITEN team seeks to be disciples of Jesus and to share this deep discipleship with a hurting world.


ITEN Opportunities

ITEN is currently ministering in a number of areas of the world through a myriad of partnerships, site developments, projects, and resources. While ITEN supports indigenous leaders directly by providing theological education, we also assist training centers with faculty development, curriculum reform, accreditation, networking, and resource sharing.

Below is a brief outline of the countries and regions in which ITEN is currently working. You are welcome to contact us if you have specific questions about a particular location.

  • South-Central Asia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Guatemala
  • Russia
  • Albania
  • Kazakhstan
  • Indonesia
  • Central Africa
  • Brazil
  • West Africa
  • Spain
  • Argentina
  • Southern India
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