EPC World Outreach is privileged to partner with Simply Mobilizing to offer the Kairos Course.

KAIROS is a course that helps transform worldviews so that the believer understands God’s purpose for every cultural group in the world, including those that still have few or no churches. The course clearly demonstrates God’s love for the peoples of the world and our call to be a blessing to them.
KAIROS is a nine-session course that utilizes a variety of learning methods and activities including devotional teaching, prayer for the least reached peoples, introductions to readings, video teachings, readings, worksheets, small group interaction, and special cultural activities.
“Understanding God’s heartbeat has given me a greater love for him, compassion for the lost,
zeal in service and power in prayer.”
(Businesswoman, Singapore)

Format and Content
KAIROS is a nine-session course that covers four major areas:
BIBLICAL: We discover that mission lies at the center of God’s concern and that an overriding theme throughout the whole Bible is God blessing His people to be a blessing to all people groups.
HISTORICAL: God’s mission purpose can be seen throughout history. We gan much from studying the past success and failures of the church in the area of mission expansion.
STRATEGIC: We learn about strategy and key mission strategies that bear fruit in reaching unreached people groups in today’s world. Every believer and church has a significant role to play.
CULTURAL: Mission involves crossing cultures. We learn what culture is and see what it takes to communicate and make disciples in a culture different from our own.
When and Where
WO is offering the KAIROS course
Wednesdays January 15 – March 12, 2025
On Zoom:
7 pm (ET) to 9 pm
(or 6 pm CT, 5 pm MT, 4 am PT)
This class is full — please email nancy.c@epcwo.org to be added to the waitlist
When and Where
WO is offering the KAIROS course
Tuesday April 15 – June 10, 2025
On Zoom:
7 pm (ET) to 9 pm
(or 6 pm CT, 5 pm MT, 4 am PT)
$100 per person for student materials.