Thank you for supporting the ministries of EPC World Outreach! Your gifts help reach the world for Christ.
Global Workers
EPC global workers minister in the name of Jesus in 5 regions around the world—Americas, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and Africa, and South Asia. These regions include some of the hardest spiritual soil on earth among people with little to no access to the gospel. In addition, a stateside team serves in a variety of roles, including strategic planning, missionary care, prayer coordination, training, communications, development, child safety, mobilization, recruitment, and more.
The map below is interactive—hover to see how the 5 regions are defined. Click a region for more information about the global workers who serve there.
We have changed how we list our global workers in order to protect the identity of those who serve in sensitive areas. If you cannot find the global worker you are looking for by name, contact us at 407-930-4328.

East Asia and Pacific
Europe and Central Asia
Middle East and Africa
South Asia
Critical Needs
Click on the button below for a list of missionaries who are in need of additional support; this includes missionaries who are in the process of raising support to go to the field and missionaries currently serving who, because of higher costs or a loss of supporters, need additional funds to remain on the field.
World Outreach global workers are involved in a variety of special projects around the world. Each of these projects is designed with an evangelistic emphasis, or exists to serve our global workers and their ministries. These special projects are not funded in the World Outreach budget, but each has a reachable financial goal and are ideal for a presbytery or church mission offering,
Click the button below for a list of these special projects.
Financial Information
Mail your financial gift to:
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822
Please make the check out to EPC World Outreach and
write the worker’s name and/or Fund ID in the memo line.
Read more about EPC World Outreach’s financial accountability.
Questions? Email us at or call 407-930-4239.
World Outreach is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and your support contributions are tax-deductible. We retain full control over the administration of donated funds and make every attempt to honor giving preferences. In rare cases when that’s not possible, gifts are used for a purpose that reflects donor intent as closely as possible. Please note that a minimal administrative fee is imposed on all donations to any World Outreach restricted funds.